Thursday, January 31, 2008

Spirituality's connections with God

Spirituality has always been debated about, people argue whether Spirituality and the whole science of Spiritual Meditation etc. is a mind state or an actual connection with God? Most of the atheists and scientologists practicing/studying Spirituality believe it to be just a state of mind, somewhat like a high that is achieved, they accredit the resultant simulations, effects and experiences to hallucinations that are achieved through this "high".

The other side argues that Spirituality is a connection with your inner spirit, which connects you to God. Now lets look into this, the scientific explanation to Spirituality is that its just a state of mind and a high. Looking into the definition of a high, we come to know that obtaining a high is not possible without some external interference, which might be caused by a drug, or some substance, or anything of similar sort. The scientific studies agree to this as well.

And here's the kicker! How do you get Spiritual Experiences and the so called "High" without the interference of an external substance? It isn't even possible you see. It is THIS external substance, this external interference, this external connection which we, spiritualists, term as a connection the higher being, the higher power, God. There you go, proven :) Spirituality is THE way to connect yourselves to God.

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